
Demo sites

The first number of outputs of FRESH4Cs are demonstration sites, where technologies will be demonstrated and functioning at a scale ranging from pilot installations to full scale. Other outputs include reports on the feasability of alternative water resources at two sites, a report on the technology evaluation (site specific) and a report on the non-technological opportunties and barriers. 

FRESH4Cs will set up five demonstration sites for the use of alternative water resources and will initiate the implementation of solutions at a sixth site. These demos include technologies based on shallow aquifer storage (creek ridge infiltration) and managed aquifer recharge; innovative water management including storage and redistribution and the use of waste water through a nature based solution upgrade of an existing treatment plant. These demos will benefit local actors in the water landscape: water managers (governmental or private), water utilities and water users such as farmers, tourism and drinking water production. Feasabiltiy studies, based on the same technologies, will be conducted at two Dutch sites. 


A roadmap for widespread implementation of the demo technologies will be delivered, which will focus on technological and non-technological opportunities and barriers. It targets policy and legislation makers and the different actors in the water sector.